We believe gun stores can be different. You can only hear “silencers are illegal” after walking into a gun store so many times before you get fed up. It was out of this frustration that SK Arms was founded in 2010 to fill a desperate need in the firearms community of West Texas. Tired of the typical gun store and their gun buying experience, SK Arms set out to make a difference by being different. Founded by shooters for shooters, our staff shoots competitively, takes classes to stay sharp, and is always striving to reach the next rung in the ladder of excellence, not only in shooting, but in service.
SK Arms provides customers with high quality options in a stress-free environment. Our goal is to get you the right tool for the job, not what we need to move or what we make more money on. Rather than grab what we can from the next sucker to come along, we want you to be a life-long satisfied customer.
Your feedback is extremely important to us. That is the only way to grow. We are smart enough to know we don’t know everything and aren’t afraid to admit it, so if you have ideas or suggestions on how we can do our job better, please get in touch. Shoot us an email at sales@skarms.com, send us a message on facebook, or call in and talk to one of us at 432-704-5127.
No matter the reason you love shooting – hunting, competition, or just to spend time with friends and family – SK Arms is there to be different. To be better.
See you at the range,
Kane Kolisek, Owner
SK Arms